Betting Talk

message to bixler re: Hey Factsman

jenwaljenwal Junior Member
edited August 2004 in Sports Betting

The reason I don't always post are as follows:
I joined 8/4 with the intention of just monitoring the board. I do not
bet all the time because I realize over the long haul the absolute best
handicapper around will be no more than 57% over the long haul. (Betting
every day) I have been looking for cappers who will give their opinion in
a very great while. I believe that kind of a capper is very very
selective. When I find that one I will look very closely at his selection
and then do my own extensive research on that game. (nothing but nothing
is a guarantee or lock) If then I am comfortable with that selection I
will make a very large wager. If I lose I lose. If I win I consider
myself lucky an on to the next one. I've been doing this for a long time
and truly respect everyone's thoughts and opinions. I just do not care
for braggers. Although I'm sure as a person Factsman is very nice. If
I've offended anyone I apologize. My posts were not intended to be of a
bashing nature. This last one pertaining to Factsman will be the end. I
just wanted to make a point.
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