Betting Talk

warning vs no warning

jmanjman Senior Member
edited March 2017 in Sports Betting
Just wanted to point out a couple advantages, and disadvantages of the release warning. 1. I've always appreciated the warning early in the day, it makes life so much easier, and you dont have to be glued to the screen. 2. However, when games are at the half, or close to tip I'm usually on the laptop anyways so I love the quick release with no warning.....Just wanted to know everyone else's thoughts. I feel as though the lines move slower with no warning, and if we're on the computers awaiting a possible 2h anyways I dont see why it hurts. I've mentioned this to Edward previously, but not sure he acknowledged or agreed. What's everyone else's thoughts?


  • jmanjman Senior Member
    edited March 2017
    jman wrote: »
    Just wanted to point out a couple advantages, and disadvantages of the release warning. 1. I've always appreciated the warning early in the day, it makes life so much easier, and you dont have to be glued to the screen. 2. However, when games are at the half, or close to tip I'm usually on the laptop anyways so I love the quick release with no warning.....Just wanted to know everyone else's thoughts. I feel as though the lines move slower with no warning, and if we're on the computers awaiting a possible 2h anyways I dont see why it hurts. I've mentioned this to Edward previously, but not sure he acknowledged or agreed. What's everyone else's thoughts?
    Just wanted to point out that I meant no disrespect toward Edward or RAS.
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