Betting Talk

Bowl Contest recap app

spiderman77spiderman77 Senior Member
edited December 2013 in Sports Betting
I had some time the last few days to put the Bowl contest picks into the app that we use for our office pool. The link is:

This is a Java app (won't run on Apple devices) that requires the Java executable to be loaded on your PC. If you don't already have it you will be prompted to download it from Oracle.

The app is interactive and allows you to project future winners, sort by various criteria, etc. There is a link at the bottom of the page that explains all of the functionality.

There were a couple of issues with the entries. TexasHookEm and chuckh both took Marshall for their 7 point pick. Although that was a really good selection, it was not amongst the choices. I assumed they meant Mississippi, so that's how I put in their entries. I'm not sure how that will be scored if they finish in the money, but for now just put an asterisk beside them. The other problem was stucross who played Washington for 10 points (another really good pick). I thought maybe he meant Wisconsin, but since he took So Carolina, that is unlikely. I left that entry out altogether (pretty hard to win without a winning 10 point pick).
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