Betting Talk

NFL's Stance on Gambling and integrity of the games

MikeRASMikeRAS Senior Handicapper
edited September 2012 in Sports Betting
Glad we finally had this happen with the officials so we can get over this BS argument.

“As Commissioner of the NFL, my most important responsibility is maintaining the integrity of professional football, and preserving public confidence in the NFL.

The great popularity of NFL football, and the goodwill it has achieved with its fans and the public as a whole, is rooted in the integrity of the game itself. NFL football stands for clean, healthy competition, and rewards hard work, dedication, and honest effort. Maintaining these values and the highest integrity of the game of professional football is a critical aspect of the NFL’s goodwill.

The spread of sports betting, including the introduction of sports betting as proposed by the state of New Jersey, threatens to damage irreparably the integrity of, and public confidence in, NFL football.

Once the character and integrity of NFL football have been compromised, and the bonds of loyalty and devotion between fans and teams have been broken, NFL football will have been irreparably injured in a manner that cannot adequately be calculated in dollars.” (emphasis added)


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