Betting Talk

Save the Children - Study on Sports betting marketing

hibailogohibailogo Junior Member
edited March 2017 in Sports Betting
Hi everybody and sorry for interrupting your discussion

At Nottingham Trent University (UK) we’re conducting a research on sports betting. For most people, betting on sports is great fun. For a minority, though, it becomes a real problem. Many people are concerned about the influence betting advertising might have on children and excessive gamblers. That is why we are very interested in the opinion of sport fans and bettors to promote responsible gambling advertising.

We would be extremely thankful if you could commit a few minutes of your time to answers the questions in this link.

Thanks for your help


  • blackbullblackbull Senior Member
    edited March 2017
    I find it interesting that you have decided to come onto a forum that is home to many people who rely on their winnings, in-part or in-entirety, for a living and ask them to participate in some survey that seems to want to discourage market participation (something very against the best interests of such people) under the ridiculous guise of "saving the children." Your spiel may work for the ignorant majority, but here: I believe you will be hard pressed to find people who will help you demonize an activity that promotes accountability, adaptability, innovation, ingenuity, creativity, resilience, emotional strength, etc....basically, everything you need to be successful in life and in an expedited format that maximizes the potential for expedient personal growth. No, I will not participate and validate your duplicitous behavior; I encourage those here to not participate and validate your behavior either.
  • Obi OneObi One Senior Member
    edited March 2017
    While I do respect your opinion Blackbull,
    I believe it's worth considering that the smart people you're talking about, comprise the 1% or less within the industry. It's a fact that 99% don't win in the long term and we can all agree that there are a few of those 99% taking it a bit too far, weak as they are, they risk losing more than only their bets.

    I'm assuming mr/mrs Hibailogo has no clue he/she stumbled upon a sharp forum, and I'm also assuming he/she has no idea what the difference is between the BettingTalk forum and the SBR-forums.

    Given the fact that most people will be out of work in 20 years due to the A.I.-revolution. Yes, I'm talking to you, the doctor, the lawyer, the accountant, the uber- and taxi-drivers etc etc. It will mainly be the technology or the entertainment industry blooming as a result. In my opinion, nothing wrong with some research.....
  • Obi OneObi One Senior Member
    edited March 2017
    A couple of notes to Hibailogo:

    - Whenever your study is called "Save The Children", this immediately hints at a subjective study. In my opinion it would be much better to conduct an objective study into sports marketing.

    - 'Excessive gamblers' don't need any marketing to get them to place bets, they'll be at the doors of the shop before open.

    - This forum is mainly a US-facing forum. US-based gamblers don't have 12 shops downtown to choose from when they want to place their bets, as is the custom in even the remotest UK-village.
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