Betting Talk

WIRE, Birthday Joke for you.....

MarquisMarquis Senior Member
edited June 2005 in Sports Betting
A man was driving into town, and he fell in a big ditch in the middle of
the road. A farmer came up and said, "My horse Sebastian can pull you
out," the man said ok and the farmer got Sebastian. When Sebastian was
hooked up, the farmer said, "Pull Ranger! C'mon Benny! Lets go
Delilah!!!!" Then the farmer said, "Pull Sebastian, pull!" Then the car
was out of the ditch, the man said, "I have a question, why did you say
the wrong name three times?" And the farmer said, "Because Sebastian is
blind, if he knew other horses weren't pulling, he wouldn't even try..."

Happy Birthday and let's go METS!!!


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