Betting Talk

Hey Marquis

TheNFLManTheNFLMan Banned
edited July 2005 in Sports Betting<br><br>What is coming? <br><br>I refuse to believe that anyone stands to gain anything from making off <br>shore gambling illegal.


  • MarquisMarquis Senior Member
    edited July 2005
    Abortion will become illegal, women will no longer have the right to <br>choose. Young women who get raped that become pregnant will have to find <br>other means of getting abortions.<br><br>Any person, in my opinion who compares a vertile embryo in a petrie dish <br>to a human life is nuts; that's what Bush is when he says he is for making <br>abortion illegal and basically being against stem cell research.<br><br>So what's coming is the religous right dominating our supreme courts. <br>That's what's coming, like it or not.
  • TheNFLManTheNFLMan Banned
    edited July 2005
    As long as we have a dick in the white house, it is possible that the <br>religous lobbyists will gain control on sensitive issues like abortion. <br>Just tell your girlfriend to use a clothes hanger if the time is right. <br><br>However, off shore gambling is something that the religous groups aren't <br>focused on and that is the point I am trying to make. Off shore gambling <br>is a spin off during the age of computers. Religous groups are focusing on <br>spin offs of the ten commandments. Abortion is murder in their bent little <br>minds. Remember that commandment? Something like thou shalt not kill? It <br>didn't help Jesus.
  • MarquisMarquis Senior Member
    edited July 2005
    Okay, I got ya, I was not talking about gambling in my statement, I am <br>with you all the way in your statement. Don't remember exactly the <br>discussion but I was making a point regarding the seat that has opened up <br>in the supreme court and how dangerous of a time that is for us.<br><br>Nothing to do with off shore gambling, I think our government could care <br>less.<br><br>They would rather focus on "gay marriage" issues and shit like that. I <br>mean why can't gay people be miserable or happily married if they want to? <br><br>Because god, whoever that may be thinks its wrong. Well in your thought <br>regarding gambling I don't think our government/god/George W. cares a rats <br>ass.
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