Betting Talk


Wire2WireWire2Wire Senior Member
edited July 2005 in Sports Betting
A lady walks past a pet store and sees a parrot on a perch.As she passes <br>the parrot says:hey lady you are really ugly.She is furious but continues <br>to work.On the way home she passes the store and the parrot again says:hey <br>lady you are really ugly.She goes into the store and tells the owner she <br>is going to sue him and have the parrot killed.The owner apologizes and <br>tells her the parrot will never say that again.The next morning on the way <br>to work she passes the store and the parrot says:hey lady...she says <br>what?...the parrot says:YOU KNOW...w2w


  • briansbrians Banned
    edited July 2005
    Good clean Humor. I love it. Nowadays people do such weird things and <br>some really filthy stuff. Just listen to this RAP stuff its unbeileivable.<br><br>I own a convertible and my son was driving hes 16. We were coming home <br>from a golf outing and the guys we played with pulled up to us on the <br>highway and for some crazy reason i shot them a moon. Laughed for 3 weeks.<br><br>Good clean Fun.
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