Betting Talk

Smart Wagering Guidleines

Who2BetOnWho2BetOn Member
edited August 2005 in Sports Betting
SMART WAGERING GUIDELINES by Alex Smart courtesy<br> <br> To be a successful and profitable sports bettor you must always have a <br>long term goal or objective. Set that standard before your wagering <br>campaign begins and set aside fairly substantial bankroll that uses a <br>consistent incremental amount for the vast majority of your wagers. <br><br>A conservative and appropriate, amount would be one to two percent of your <br>allocated bankroll and absolutely no more than three percent of your <br>bankroll.<br> <br>This might seem a little on the low side, but believe me, over the course <br>of what will be a turbu-lent battle with the books to picks winners <br>against the spread you will be happy that you practiced good money <br>management and frugality.<br> <br>The above guidelines do not take into consideration a combination of <br>factors that will also help you along the way and I have included them <br>below. <br><br>1. Consistently shop for your best possible lines (rogue lines) from the <br>most reputable sources. <br>2. Stay disciplined and do not stray from recommended bankroll allocation <br>on individual wagers. Chasing your wagers whether you are on a winning or <br>losing streak is absolutely forbidden under my by betting methodology. <br>3. Always keep in mind that your bankroll is your life line (working <br>capital) and must be treated the same way you would treat finances that <br>are allocated for any business venture. <br>4. Buy off the hook on key numbers. <br>5. Understanding the importance and the art of middling. <br>6. Keep a record of all your wagers and results and use<br> them as part of over all statistical data base. <br><br><br>These are some important factors that will help you in your quest for long <br>term profits. I leave you with a thought from the late great Jimmy the <br>Greek. <br>The house does not beat the player, it just gives him the opportunity to <br>beat himself
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