Betting Talk


HavanaHavana Senior Member
edited December 2010 in Sports Betting
Whatever happened to the "thank you" key? Now it is usually added on with statements like "thanks and GL" or "it happens to all of us" or "variance" or "it will get better" or "gee that was a tough loss" or " If only you would have won" or 'it's happened to all of us" or "thanks" for whatever? " or" if only XYZ hadn't happened" or "thank you for whatever". Should not a simple sincere " thank you" for correct picks be sufficient? Or "gee if ths or that had not happened"!!! I am fairly certain that all of the add ons most of us are aware of and just takes up needless space. M suggestion is to hit the "thank you" key" and spare either excessive consolation or "it' will get better".


  • newcombenewcombe Senior Member
    edited December 2010

    this is called a message board and if these tiny statements people tell each other peav you that bad then try to ignore them. you aren't here posting bets for others so you should be awful happy that you get to reap the benefits of the other posters that are.
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