Betting Talk

RAS 2018 Update

RightAngleRightAngle Admin
edited April 2018 in Sports Betting
We made a drastic change to RAS offerings in 2017-18. For the first time in 20 years, we shifted away from a public service in favor of an invite-only format. This meant having fewer subscribers in an attempt at improving play delivery and chances of getting the release line.

The experiment was very successful. User feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and customer retention far exceeded previous years. The service itself also produced strong results (221-164 overall, 57.4%, +39 units).

The size of our team has expanded in recent years, and with more manpower and resources we have become active in many more markets than just CBB & CFB that the service is best known for. We included NFL preseason (14-7, 66%) as part of the invite-only service last year, and from 2008-13 we went 56.7% on roughly 400 WNBA picks publicly. We are prepared to enter more markets publicly this year, likely at lower volume, including WNBA, NFL, NBA, MLB, as well as other smaller/seasonal markets. Our ultimate goal is to offer a year round multi market product. We are actively exploring the best way to do this.

Until further announcement, we will be posting picks at low volume from various markets here on BettingTalk, and on Twitter @raspicks, at no charge.

As always do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.

Right Angle Sports


  • megapowers88megapowers88 Senior Member
    edited April 2018
    What kind of prices did you used to charge for a sub? Possibly an MLB one this year or waiting for NFL?
  • Fat PolamaluFat Polamalu Senior Member
    edited April 2018
    Pretty sure you can't post twitter accounts in posts. Might wanna check with the admins.

  • RightAngleRightAngle Admin
    edited April 2018
    Quick update, we'll likely not get started with free plays until after May 1st, and haven't decided exactly how play delivery and timing will all go. So stay tuned. Also, pricing/markets/start time all still TBD as for any possible paid services.
  • StackAttackStackAttack Senior Member
    edited April 2018
    "The size of our team has expanded in recent years, and with more manpower and resources we have become active in many more markets than just CBB & CFB that the service is best known for."

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