Betting Talk

Why is Ray Lewis not Fired by ESPN?

RonbetsRonbets Senior Member
edited March 2015 in Sports Betting
This is not a racial issue, so let's not venture there.

"Ray Ray" is placed on a large media podium and consistently delivers ignorant, off-the-wall statements. Let's forget about his criminal past where 2 guys were killed and nobody spent a day in the can for it. OK, justifiable homicide. Besides, everyone is entitled to a "mulligan". However, some of his statements are downright brutal.

#1 Tells S.A.Smith that Tom Brady is only known because of the "tuck rule".

#2 While talking about the RRice domestic violence incident. "There are some things you can cover up and there's some things you can't.".

I dunno what he has on the brass at Bristol, but I do know he'd never become "Father of the Year"


  • KashmirKashmir Senior Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm sick of him talking religion all the fucking time. Keep your beliefs to yourself.
  • namathfannamathfan Senior Member
    edited March 2015
    Doesn't he have his own show now, or at least one in which he's a main figure? smh
  • Octan21Octan21 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ray's on the show because God wants him on the show. When God decides he is tired of listening to Ray butcher the English language then Ray will be gone.
  • DeadMoneyDeadMoney Senior Member
    edited March 2015
    Athletes most often make horrible analysts. They must get ratings or something cause they can hire much better people for less, I'm sure.
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